Organized Sports
Swan's Island softball team, ca. 1978
Swan's Island Historical Society
Much as the 1950s were all about the Brooklyn Dodger's "boys of summer" the late 1970s and early 1980s on Swan's Island were the "golden years" for the Swan's Island softball team.
Swan's Island softball team, 1958
Swan's Island Historical Society
Swan's Island softball team, ca. 1975
Swan's Island Historical Society
In 1978 they gathered their momentum and placed third in the State Softball Championship. They won Eastern Maine softball Tournaments and placed third in the New England Softball Championships.
Even though it was the height of the fishing season, team members willingly sacrificed part of their income (for lack of time to tend their lobster traps) and played the games. It was a very special time for the team and the Swan’s Island community.
Donkey Softball - a fun fundraiser
David Carlson getting ready for donkey softball, Swan's Island, 1978
Swan's Island Historical Society
One fundraiser that took place for several years was donkey softball.
Donkey softball game, Swan's Island, 1978
Swan's Island Historical Society
A mainland group provided the donkeys and a few umpires. Island teams were formed to ride the donkeys. The community would come to cheer the local teams. It was all great fun (not sure the donkeys would agree) and money was raised for local charities.
Dexter Lee, on the ground in the picture on the right, rubs his side every time he sees this picture!